My first customers had a special question. They really loved my fine-art print collection and also knew which photographs they liked the most. They bought two lamps that could be placed on the wall adjacent to their couch. For a while now, they were looking for wall decoration to fit between the lamps right above their couch.
There were at least three photographs in my collection that they were really enthusiastic about... and here it comes... they needed a vertical photograph instead of a horizontal one! First they asked me if I could crop the image of their choice to create a vertical one. I said this wasn't possible because the essence of the photograph would then be lost with cutting out so much of the "real deal". Then an idea popped up in my creative mind. YES!
I studied the image of their choice and asked them if a square crop might be a possibility to create as decoration? Cropping to a square one was indeed possible, while keeping the essence of the image as intact as I was able to. And I could live with it peacefully as an artist, because only a minor part would be left out. They agreed and so I sold my FIRST one back then!
Two weeks ago I had a same sort of question of a customer: she needs a panorama above the bed! The one she and her husband chose is perfect for a panorama, despite the fact that some parts of the original will not be there. These kind of custom made projects can sometimes be accomplished, only if I agree as an artist. And there is the ready made collection for the "normal" formats which I also present. So ready or custom made, there is ALWAYS a solution!
In the image overview with this post, four Fine-art images are shown. These works can now be ordered as a Fine-art Print. If you are interested, please visit