March 27, 2021

Be healthy, STAY HEALTHY!

An healthy environment makes people happier and more energetic. Working out physically and a healthy state of mind make you more vivid to interact and connect with the world. Decoration has a vital role in how you perceive the rooms that you visit or work (out) in, even to the point of up-lifting or down-lifting your energy balance. ⁣

Really think about it. How many times did you walk into a conference room that had no visual attraction to you, except for feeling distance or even a sad vibe just by the looks of it? Or the other way around, how many times did you go to a museum or exhibition hall, by which you were overwhelmed by all that creative energy coming about? The vibe of a room can make you feel welcome, feel safe and feel creative to brainstorm about your new plans. I hope to inspire you with some of my fine-art prints, which can make a huge difference in how you perceive your space:⁣

From January 2021 on, four of my fine-art photo prints on canvas are “on lease” at the physiotherapist practice of De Leyhoeve, Tilburg, the Netherlands. The practice is in an elderly home, where people live independently or with (medical) help. The practice is transformed into an even more healthy environment now!⁣

For sale 60x80 cm canvas