December 08, 2010

Harbor 't Horntje at sunset

No long story for today, just enjoying my evening off. When I walked "home" (to Campus de Potvis) I was amazed by the frost on the dunes, a spectacular sight with the pink twilight of the sunset. Eventually, the light was quickly fading, so no time to photograph the frost anymore. Maybe another day... The result is that I went to the harbor to photograph the ferry-boat coming in during the fading facets of light in the sky. The harbor is just around the corner of NIOZ and IMARES.

Jackdaws assembly in the harbor at sunset

Reflection of pink sunset colours

The TESO ferry-boat is ready for docking in 't Horntje
"The Royal TESO N.V. is a private ferry company operating the only public boat service to and from the Dutch Wadden island of Texel. TESO stands for Texels Eigen Stoomboot Onderneming. Established in 1907, this public company was started by Dr. Adriaan Wagemaker to improve the quality of transportation to and from the island. The capital required for the undertaking was raised by the islanders themselves." History of TESO -