Living organisms tell a lot about the quality of our surface waters. Water managers are coming to the conclusion that not only knowledge about the substances is important, but also the effects of these substances on the population of plants and animals.
From January 1st on I will start in the job of hydrobiologist for freshwater phytoplankton to sustain these goals, expanding my horizon after working for 10 months as a laboratory assistant. Hydrobiology is the science of life and life processes in water. Hydrobiology includes taxonomy, biology, morphology, physiology and ecological relations within the aquatic ecosystem.
This means an extension of my job at Aquon, not only focussing on cyanobacteria and the course about freshwater phytoplankton. I will mainly be responsible for the analysis of freshwater phytoplankton samples as well as taking samples in the field on special occasions, like sampling desmids. Results will be used in the assessment of water bodies for the EU water framework directive.
Tetrasporalis - sample taken from my own garden. Photograph: Marta Demarteau - Orbica/Aquon. Olympus IX81, DP72 and cellSens Dimension at 600x magnification oil - stitch of four photographs. |