July 03, 2012

Harbour porpoise research

Stichting Rugvin collects data about whales and dolphins in the North Sea, with a special focus on harbour porpoises. Porpoises use the Dutch Delta as foraging and nursery grounds and are particularly vulnerable to external conditions like fisheries, sounds and pollution. Stichting Rugvin and its partner organization Delta Safari therefore participate in research on the species diversity, population dynamics and behaviour of whales and dolphins in the North Sea area. The data will also be used for education and information purposes to make people aware about these cetaceans.

This Summer I will participate in harbour porpoise field research aboard the vessel Sirius with Delta Safari. The research consists of counting and observing harbour porpoises in the Voordelta and the North Sea. After the Summer it’s time for the harbour porpoise scan (survey) of Stichting Rugvin.

For more information, please visit:
Delta Safari (in Dutch)
Stichting Rugvin (in Dutch, under construction: English)