May 08, 2020


If you are following me, this is no big news! One of my finest photographs can now be bought as print. Though there are a lot more stories to tell! Like with this very one photograph. A behind the scenes...⁣
For some special photographs I traveled to the United Kingdom, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Norway and even remote places like Northern Spitsbergen (Svalbard). With this very photograph I only had to go a few blocks from my house!⁣
It was mid-Winter, January 2020, and it was still a bit dark when I brought my daughter to school. The weather forecast stated that a very misty morning was predicted. I drove to the small but majestic nature reserve Turkaa, Diessen, the Netherlands. In Diessen we are proud to have such a jewel close to our town of 3757 inhabitants (according to our municipality on April 1, 2020).⁣
At the lake it was really silent and there was no eerie morning light appearing, so I walked a bit further to the treeline. The ground fog was not as abundant as I hoped for. Then the Sun came up with a blast of orange colors. Very far away an unknown person walked just across the treeline. My hands were shaking from the cold, so I was glad I had my tripod at the ready. And a little hint of fog played with the trees! What a morning! Glad I didn't give up! My heart jumped. As my feet started to freeze, I only noticed when I was back in my car.⁣
Do you want to share this moment with me? Make your heart jump? Please check out my fine-art print collection for decorating a wall at home or in the office. Price only € 67 (excl. posting/custom fees). If you are interested, please go to