If you are following me, this is no big news! One of my finest photographs can now be bought as print. Though there are a lot more stories to tell! Like with this very one photograph. A behind the scenes...
For some special photographs I traveled to the United Kingdom, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Norway and even remote places like Northern Spitsbergen (Svalbard). With this very photograph I only had to go a few blocks from my house!
It was mid-Winter, January 2020, and it was still a bit dark when I brought my daughter to school. The weather forecast stated that a very misty morning was predicted. I drove to the small but majestic nature reserve Turkaa, Diessen, the Netherlands. In Diessen we are proud to have such a jewel close to our town of 3757 inhabitants (according to our municipality on April 1, 2020).
At the lake it was really silent and there was no eerie morning light appearing, so I walked a bit further to the treeline. The ground fog was not as abundant as I hoped for. Then the Sun came up with a blast of orange colors. Very far away an unknown person walked just across the treeline. My hands were shaking from the cold, so I was glad I had my tripod at the ready. And a little hint of fog played with the trees! What a morning! Glad I didn't give up! My heart jumped. As my feet started to freeze, I only noticed when I was back in my car.
Do you want to share this moment with me? Make your heart jump? Please check out my fine-art print collection for decorating a wall at home or in the office. Price only € 67 (excl. posting/custom fees). If you are interested, please go to https://www.orbica.nl/fine-art-shop/fine-art-print-collection/