October 04, 2012

You only have now, THIS moment

I just came back from Central Finland, close to the Arctic Circle... and now, searching through my travel log, I am reminded of a short writing that I created in 2008 when I went to the Lofoten, Norway. I had forgotten, though it still holds true.

"I know a story in which was made clear that there is only now.

The past will change everytime you think of it and relive it.
It will mould itself into new thoughts, into new 'transformed' images, into new experienced memories.
Every time there will be something different, something changing.

There is no presumed future, the future is open and clear.
The future can go in extended and unexpected ways.
Each path will be different and you can not know which path will be yours.

You only have now, THIS moment.
Around this moment, everything will transform again, and again, and again."

Marta Demarteau Lødingen, Norway December 2008. 

Reflections of the blue sky in the water of Oulanka
National Park, Finland